THE PORTAL to the secret, magical city of MIDDLEGATE
Red-sided garter snakes’ North American territory ranges from the Northwest Territories south to Oklahoma, east to Ontario and west to British Columbia...through the 3 Prairie provinces (Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan), parts of northern Ontario and western British Columbia, as well as 11 midwestern states (Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Oklahoma, Wyoming), even parts of New Mexico.
Learn more about Manitoba's red-sided garter snakes (scientific name: Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis). Special fencing has protected the snakes when they cross the highway. Read an informal account of a visit to the Narcisse snake dens in the off-season, by Jonathan Crowe—he also maintains a great website devoted to Garter Snake News, with links to articles and resources. The Serpent's Spell features another kind of snake—an African egg-eating snake (scientific name: Dasypeltis scabra). Visit the Westman Reptile Gardens near Brandon, Manitoba. Further east, Reptilia is a large reptile zoo in the Toronto area. It offers educational programs as well as resources for pet owners about the proper care of their reptiles and amphibians. |